
Change in interests, add more pages(19/07)

Change in the home page, I deleted some things (12/07)

new about!! (06/07)

adjusts in quiz and books page(04/07)

lovers page!!!(28/06)

book page update and add some sites on links(31/05)

update faq in home, add the same nav pag in all pages and ajusts(29/05)

update layout in interests page and font-size changed in menu(08/05)

Change in welcome and replace the dragon city card for flower (05/05)

Links page(04/05)

Background image, add quizzes page and construction page and fix the header (28/04)

Blinkies in about, changes in updates layout, remove the guestbook from the home and add stamps, chatbox, mood, flagcounter, card and Self-Insert Webring (27/04)

Mbti characters and border in about (25/04)

First version of books,animes and mangas page (24/04)

Change in layout width and game page (20/04)

The first appearance of the about (14/04)

The first appearance of the home (10/04)

Here are some books that I recommend

My taste in reading is not very sophisticated. I enjoy popular romance novels and sometimes venture into literature. Here, I have listed a few books that I consider 5-star reads. I rate all the books I read on Skoob, but my reviews are in Portuguese.


The Seven Husbands of Evelyn Hugo by Taylor Jenkins Reid




A true masterpiece, Evelyn Hugo is everything it promises to be – a renowned artist with a unique personality that captivates you in the reading. She is the star and the key point of this book because, despite the other supporting characters being good, nothing compares to her. Monique shares the narrative, engaging in discussions about Evelyn's biography, but her presence is somewhat overshadowed, as when reading her sections, you only long to hear more about Evelyn rather than the one writing about her. I would recommend it to anyone.

Battle Royale by Koushun Takami




The narrative of this book is incredibly interesting. It revolves around a classroom with 42 students who are forced to kill each other. The fact that the author manages to construct the story from the perspectives of multiple students and still make it compelling is truly awesome. It should be noted that the book contains violent scenes(gore), which may trigger some readers, but personally, I don't consider it too much.

Tokyo Ever After by Emiko Jean



I loved this book because it's a light-hearted romance with a touch of culture and self-discovery. The combination of clichés with the backdrop of a traditional yet modern Tokyo is as sweet as a warm cappuccino. Although there is a sequel to this book, I prefer to keep its ending in my mind and not read it.

Persuasion by Jane Austen




What can I say about this book? It's my favorite from Jane Austen because it features one of the best protagonists. Anne is friendly yet envious, helpful yet resentful, expressing the frustrations of an unmarried woman in that era. The pressure imposed upon her has taken away her youthful spirit. The entire book is filled with tension between her and Frederic, conveyed entirely through subtlety. I love it.